Miss Anthropocene - Grimes


Grimes is known for her critically acclaimed synth-pop albums, but for her fifth album Miss Anthropocene, she mixes sounds of old and new to create a rather unique experience. Her artful blending of synth-pop and a hard-hitting industrial sound combined with vocals I can only describe as "dreamy", really creates a genre in and of itself.

The opening track "So Heavy I Fell Through The Earth" does a great job in introducing the dark atmospheric production on later tracks all the while giving us amazing vocals and lyrics. The album's concept and themes are defined very loosely, containing elements such as villainy and climate change. While lyrically it doesn't reinforce the themes, Grimes has achieved that sonically...

The second track "Darkseid" is aptly titled according to the themes in this record. The third track "Delete Forever" is an odd one in this record as it has a folk-inspired sound and has lyrics talking about people Grimes has lost to opiod addiction. Other tracks like "Violence", "New Gods" and "My Name Is Dark" prove just how dark Grimes can be lyrically and sonically.

Grimes, being a sci-fi enthusiast, includes a lot of references throught but prominently in the 11th and final track "We Appreciate Power" which has lyrics pertaining to cyberpunk concepts such as mind uploading and transhumanism, this time having a more aggressive and faster soundscape. Overall there is a lot of emotion and personal lyrics in this album and it's unique production is rather memorable